Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Grammy - Posted Monday April 7th May 1, 1910 - April 6, 2008

Meet Pearl Frances Craig known to most of us as Grammy. She died peacefully with my dear sister by her side about 11:45 pm last night. She was blessed to have received Communion yesterday before her death.

Grammy was married to my Grampy, Addison Bradford Craig and had three sons, John (my dad) Chad and James. She was the Queen of her Castle.

My Grammy was the cheeriest and spunkiest little thing I ever knew. She was never fussy but was always stern and had complete control of any situation, up until her final days, shooing my family away so she could get her rest.

Missing her 98th birthday by only a few weeks, she spent her life celebrating and enjoying each day. She had more stories to tell than the library has books and they were all worth sitting and listening to.

Grammy has forever returned to Grampy's side in her Plymouth in Heaven. She will be very missed by us all but we will always celebrate her life and our love for her. We love you Taffy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Official Soccer Mom

Addison in a hat chasing a blue ball.............

So it is official. I am a soccer mom. Addison is playing (trying hard) on a friendship team. She has had two practices and two games, no goals but a couple assists...or something. She is having a bunch of fun!

The games have been in 40 degee weather with wind gusting at 15 miles per hour! Yes the parents love that!

So, I said I would never do it, and I did it. What's taking tennis lessons!