Monday, October 22, 2007

Starting to check things off our list of things to do!

Well I have begun to make a list and check things off. I have the Fall inspection on my A/C scheduled and have the sprinkler repair company coming Thursday! I know you all care. My Mom is gathering comps on our house and we will list it this week.
In the mean time, I have cleaned out a few closets and purged a bunch of papers I have been accumulating for way too long. I also found a box of things I have looked for since we moved in....go figure!
This morning, I spent time looking online and have great news for all my is 8 hours and 42 minutes from Downtown SA to Downtown Tulsa!! So fill up and pack up and make plans for YOUR visit.
The girls went off to school this morning with plans to tell their friends about their EXCITING news....Addison actually made something to share with her friends, I did not look....but she is getting excited.
We will go in a couple weeks to look for the two story house with a pool they have dreamt least the two story part!
Ok, back to laundry and the next closet!


Deb Buehler said...

Dear Burke Family,
Congratulations on your new opportunities! How wonderful for all of you! While your SA family and friends will miss you...they'll enjoy having a new place to explore with you!

Having moved across the country twice, I know the weeks ahead will be full! It will be a great mystery itself how it all gets done! I know you'll be led to just the right home for all of you!

Sending traveling mercies and blessings to you all as you make your way north, make new friends and build a new community!

Blessings and love,

Honorary Indian said...

It really IS going to be an adventure, isn't it?! I'm excited for you---even though are lunch dates have just begun. 8 hours is nothing--unless you have potty-trainers! :)